Page 14: The Return of Rudolf Steiner and the Renewal of Anthroposophy
THE PREMATURE DEATH in 1925 of Austrian philosopher and esotericist―Rudolf Steiner―at the age of 64, was a devastating “body-blow” to the newly-constituted General Anthroposophical Society and to its world-wide members.
Even though Steiner had been seriously ill, and often bed-ridden for six months prior to his death, everyone expected that this extraordinarily-gifted individual would fully recover. After all, Steiner was widely recognized as a highly-developed Christian initiate with demonstrated supernatural abilities.1
Besides that, throughout his worsening illness, Steiner himself talked and acted as though he expected to fully recover. Not only had he assumed the presidency of the Society and taken up the leadership of the School of Spiritual Science just nine months before becoming ill; but even after becoming seriously afflicted, he continued to dictate letters, to record new supersensible research, to work on his autobiography, to write weekly essays for the newsletter Das Goetheanum, and to provide personal counseling for a constant flow of members and non-members. Hardly the funerary activities of a man who was preparing to die.
The shock, surprise, disbelief and despair that anthroposophists experienced with the death of Rudolf Steiner similarly echoed that of the apostles and disciples of Christ-Jesus immediately after his own premature death at 33 years of age. No one expected that the Messiah, with his demonstrated divine power, would be cruelly put to death by Roman execution (despite his repeated prophetic indications that this would occur).
In the case of Christ-Jesus, his unwavering compassion to rescue fallen humanity was placed far above personal concerns for his own physical safety. For this reason, he willingly sacrificed his own physical life despite the enormous spiritual power at his command. Nevertheless, notwithstanding his untimely death, he positively left behind the strong foundation for a future universal church, and the promise that he would one day return to earth.
In Rudolf Steiner’s case, as a devoted follower of Christ-Jesus, he similarly minimized and disregarded the seriousness of his own physical health in order to compassionately continue to assist those around him, and to help struggling humanity in general. Unfortunately, this too resulted in his own sacrificial death. And similar to Our Saviour, Rudolf Steiner positively left behind the foundation for a world-wide esoteric society; and the indication that he would return to earth in less than a hundred years.
Also noteworthy in both cases―with Christ-Jesus and Rudolf Steiner―their predicted return to earth was not what was generally expected to occur; but something that was quite different in fact. While briefly touching on the unique earthly return of Christ-Jesus that occurred in the twentieth century, this publication―The Return of Rudolf Steiner and the Renewal of Anthroposophy―will focus on explaining and understanding the predicted return to earth of Rudolf Steiner that quietly (but profoundly) occurred at the beginning of the twenty-first century; and the positive impact this will have on future anthroposophy.
Besides that, throughout his worsening illness, Steiner himself talked and acted as though he expected to fully recover. Not only had he assumed the presidency of the Society and taken up the leadership of the School of Spiritual Science just nine months before becoming ill; but even after becoming seriously afflicted, he continued to dictate letters, to record new supersensible research, to work on his autobiography, to write weekly essays for the newsletter Das Goetheanum, and to provide personal counseling for a constant flow of members and non-members. Hardly the funerary activities of a man who was preparing to die.
The shock, surprise, disbelief and despair that anthroposophists experienced with the death of Rudolf Steiner similarly echoed that of the apostles and disciples of Christ-Jesus immediately after his own premature death at 33 years of age. No one expected that the Messiah, with his demonstrated divine power, would be cruelly put to death by Roman execution (despite his repeated prophetic indications that this would occur).
In the case of Christ-Jesus, his unwavering compassion to rescue fallen humanity was placed far above personal concerns for his own physical safety. For this reason, he willingly sacrificed his own physical life despite the enormous spiritual power at his command. Nevertheless, notwithstanding his untimely death, he positively left behind the strong foundation for a future universal church, and the promise that he would one day return to earth.
In Rudolf Steiner’s case, as a devoted follower of Christ-Jesus, he similarly minimized and disregarded the seriousness of his own physical health in order to compassionately continue to assist those around him, and to help struggling humanity in general. Unfortunately, this too resulted in his own sacrificial death. And similar to Our Saviour, Rudolf Steiner positively left behind the foundation for a world-wide esoteric society; and the indication that he would return to earth in less than a hundred years.
Also noteworthy in both cases―with Christ-Jesus and Rudolf Steiner―their predicted return to earth was not what was generally expected to occur; but something that was quite different in fact. While briefly touching on the unique earthly return of Christ-Jesus that occurred in the twentieth century, this publication―The Return of Rudolf Steiner and the Renewal of Anthroposophy―will focus on explaining and understanding the predicted return to earth of Rudolf Steiner that quietly (but profoundly) occurred at the beginning of the twenty-first century; and the positive impact this will have on future anthroposophy.
[This book has been published; and is currently available from]
Dear Ron,
Thank you very much for writing. I just discovered your site through a mention on Facebook.
I was quite sad when I left the anthroposophical society earlier this year. I have become a pupil within the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, the School of the Golden Rosycross. Are you able to say in what sense they still offer a valid school, if in fact they do?
Yours Gratefully,
Greetings Jonathan,
Thanks so much for your kind and courteous reply.
I’m sorry to hear that you left the Anthroposophical Society earlier this year. Although I don’t know your particular circumstances, it seems that it is more than mere coincidence that I have just published a book on entitled The Return of Rudolf Steiner and the Renewal of Anthroposophy; where I stress the importance of remaining connected with the General Anthroposophical Society.
Concerning the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, I know that it began as a break-away group from Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian Fellowship. For a short while in my youth, I was a student of the Rosicrucian Fellowship until I discovered that Max Heindel had plagiarized most of his material from Rudolf Steiner. Not surprisingly as a bogus Rosicrucian student, Heindel also made a number of glaring esoteric errors in his writings.
The LR also claims that it has a “particular version of Christian Gnosticism.” Unfortunately, “Christian Gnosticism” is an oxymoron term since Christianity from the very beginning was opposed to gnosticism and considered it a heretical ideology. This opposition was primarily because the gnostics considered the material world to be an evil creation of an evil deity known as Ialdabaoth — whom they equated with Yahweh. As well, to the early gnostics, the luciferic serpent in Genesis was considered a human benefactor since he opposed Yahweh.
Moreover, from a spiritual scientific viewpoint, “gnosis” was the luciferic knowledge that was secretly obtained and guarded in The Mystery Schools of ancient Greece. While this knowledge was useful during the age of the sentient soul, it is no longer appropriate in the age of the consciousness soul (the age we are in now).
While the LR may have some esoteric truths to convey, the General Anthroposophical Society is the only publicly-registered esoteric society that has been sponsored by Christian Rosenkreutz, the founder of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. As well, since Rudolf Steiner was also a Rosicrucian initiate and colleague of Christian Rosenkreutz, the most reliable Rosicrucian wisdom in the public domain today is the anthroposophical teachings of Rudolf Steiner.
Whatever your feelings towards, or relationship with, the Anthroposophical Society, the most profound and extensive Rosicrucian wisdom available today is contained in the writings of Rudolf Steiner.
I hope this helps,
Dear Ron,
Thank you very much for your informative and helpful reply. I too was not much impressed by Max Heindel, coming to him after discovering Rudolf Steiner. I have studied Steiner’s books for about 25 years now but it was inability to find any firm support by the Society in my wrestlings that led me to reluctantly leave it in search elsewhere. Of course I have not let off study of anthroposophy one jot since I left the society. In fact I am now unencumbered of my continual efforts the last 10 or so years to stimulate something more than bland words or ‘mystical’ silence amongst the UK representatives. It could be me, not them, that are ‘at fault’, yet if it were me their efforts still failed me, so…
Why is it “important to remain connected to the G.A.S ?
The teacher of the School has left. Mayhap one may nurture the Society, the books, the ideas, etc but, and perhaps again this is where I go wrong, I felt it is all being done wrong.
But then you are happy in the Catholic Church, so you are obviously a lot more tolerant and forgiving of human failing than I am : D. Would that I were…
Incidentally, where do you stand on the Orthodox Church , and the Christian Community? One can claim continuity of succession through the laying on of hands? Does the other? Or is it a complete renewal?
Yours gratefully,
P.S. Just finished reading ‘Spiritual Warfare in the 21st Century’. It appears he may have been defeated. I felt a loss, but we know Good prevails : )
Hello again, Jonathan,
Believe me, I completely share your frustration with the leadership and direction of national anthroposophical societies, as well as with the General Anthroposophical Society. However, when I became a member of the School of Spiritual Science, I took a vow to defend and promote anthroposophy. As such, I can’t in good conscience abandon the Society when it is undergoing spiritual confusion and difficulty. As a loyal foot-soldier of St. Michael, I have a duty to stay and shed transformative spiritual light within the Society.
Similarly, when I received an inner locution from Our Saviour in 2006 to “be on the inside of my Church to assist in its renewal,” I had no idea what this would entail. When I received the Sacrament of Confirmation, I also vowed to defend and promote the Church that Christ-Jesus had founded on earth through St. Peter. Right now, I’m anything but happy in the Church, since the present “Vicar of Christ” is a heretical, pro-socialist anti-pope who is in league with the UN globalists; and who is systematically corrupting the traditional Church. Once again, I can’t abandon the Church of Christ in its present time of crisis; but need to assist St. Michael in this spiritual battle as well.
It’s my understanding that both the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church can correctly claim “apostolic succession”; that is, they can equally trace their origination back to the apostles of Christ-Jesus. Obviously the Protestant denominations (including the Christian Community) cannot do so.
Regarding the contentious U.S. presidential election, the corrupt forces of the Deep State and the Deep Church are attempting to steal the election from President Trump. Since there has been numerous lawsuits of election fraud filed before the courts, and a recently announced investigation by the Department of Justice, the fight isn’t over quite yet.
I’m happy to hear that you’re unwavering in your continued study of anthroposophical spiritual science, despite the lack of Societal support that you require. If there is any way that I can be of supportive assistance, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
With great sincerity,
Dear Ron,
I am reading the descriptions of your interesting books that are new to me
Concerning the relationship between the Catholic Roman Church and the GAS are you aware of what Rudolf Steiner in his only lecture on Manichaeism in Berlin on November 11, 1904 (GA 93) said that the form of the Roman Church taken from the Roman Empire has become antiquated since the 15th century and must be replaced by a new form for the true Christianity of the 6th cultural period by the Mani individuality already in this present 5th period? My motions submitted to the AGM of the GAS are partly based on the insight that this new form is what Rudolf Steiner, representing Mani or Parzival, intended the reconstitution of the AS during the Christmas Conference to be, but that this social corporeality has since then been seriously damaged and needs to be restored. Any thoughts on this?
Merry Christmas, Robert,
Thank you for posting your comments on my website. Clearly you are a practicing anthroposophist, which should make it easier for me to respond.
As you correctly point out, the original Christian Church that Christ-Jesus established through St. Peter began in the Graeco-Roman cultural era. Furthermore, we esoterically know that the national spirit of the Roman people sacrificial chose to sponsor and guide “Roman Christianity” in the same way that the national spirit of the Celtic people chose to sponsor and guide “Celtic Christianity.”
Though the Graeco-Roman cultural era technically ended in 1413, we know that these eras overlap each other, and take time to fully manifest. Rudolf Steiner makes this quite clear in a lecture given on 13 October 1911, where he states:
For those who desired to come to Christ, the Holy Communion [in the Catholic Church] was a complete equivalent of the esoteric path, if they could not take that path, and thus in the Holy Communion they could find a real union with Christ. For all things have their time. Certainly, just as it is true in regard to the spiritual life that a new age is dawning, so it is true that the way to Christ which for centuries was the right one for many people will remain for centuries more the right one for many. (Published in From Jesus to Christ; 1973)
In the current Anglo-Saxon-European cultural era, the Church of St. Peter has largely dropped much of the “Romanist” elements in the Church, and began emphasizing its universal “Catholic” elements instead. And as Steiner has indicated, the Catholic Church will continue to be relevant to many “for centuries more.” (I have discussed this issue in much more detail in my book: The Greater and Lesser Mysteries of Christianity: The Complementary Paths of Anthroposophy and Catholicism (2015).
As for the notion that the General Anthroposophical Society can replace the Catholic Church as a “new form of true Christianity,” it must be emphasized that Rudolf Steiner established anthroposophy as a “spiritual science” and not as a “religion.” Anthroposophy belongs to the stream of “Esoteric Christianity” which was established by St. John the Beloved as a spiritual philosophy and theosophy. The Catholic Church belongs to the stream of “Exoteric Christianity” which was established by St. Peter as a religion and a theology. These are two distinct but complementary streams of Christianity that must continue to remain separate.
Regarding anthroposophy as a science and not a religion, Rudolf Steiner made this eminently clear, as in the following lecture given on 13 July 1914:
This spiritual science is not trying to found either a new religion or a new religious sect of any kind.
Spiritual science does not want to usurp the place of Christianity; on the contrary it would like to be the instrument in making Christianity understood. (Published in Anthroposophy and Christianity; 1985)
While the Christian Church and religion established by Christ-Jesus through St. Peter will certainly change and evolve throughout the future, it’s also necessary that anthroposophical spiritual science continues to remain the intellectual means to esoterically explain and understand the “greater mysteries” of Christ’s religion.
Yours sincerely,
Under the direction and influence of Christ-Jesus, the lotus-centre of Shambhala that once invisibly hovered ‘beyond the Himalayas,’ is now etherically situated above the geographical city of Jerusalem. This new sacred heart-centre of Shambhala is known esoterically as the “New Jerusalem.”
Can you indicate where this information or observation is from?
Greetings Jay,
My apologies for taking this long to reply to your question. I’m still in summer vacation mode, and spending more time enjoying the “great outdoors”; rather than being indoors checking my computer.
In any case, thank you for your interest in my website postings, and for taking the time to respond.
The insight to which you refer is a Rosicrucian-inspired supersensible perception that can also be logically deduced from the anthroposophical information on Christ-Jesus and Shambhala, together with the biblical revelations concerning the “New Jerusalem.”
In other words, this information can be verified either supersensibly or logically.
All the best,
HI Ron, I’m new to your work, wondering if there are any books available in digital /Kindle format as i am in the Philippines where shipping/customs fees are exorbitant and the postal service is unreliable on top of that. Thank you, in the mean time I have been enjoying your blog /excerpts.
Hi Dawn,
Since I’m a bit “old school,” and love acquiring and sharing knowledge in book form; up to now I haven’t considered making my books available in Kindle format.
But thank you for informing me that ordering books online is not easy for everyone. In consequence, I’ll start working on making my publications available on Kindle for you. I’m hoping this won’t take too long to do (since I’m unfamiliar with the process).
Also, thank you for your interest in my website articles.
To Ron Mac Farlane
Your shambala website is simple , clear, enlightening. I read several of your “esoteric ” selection of articles. I came upon your website as I was searching for what Steiner has declared about the Mother of Christ. Iam a Catholic but have been reading Steiner’s Christ lectures for 10 years now .
Iam from the Philippines ( a small town in Pangasinan province) but Iam quietly storytelling/gathering for my 13 year old daughter , stories on Christ from many sources : Steiner, Edward Schure, Emmerich, the Urantia Book, Einsedel etc..
I am inspired by your own spiritual journey and discoveries on Christ.
Could you tell me where I can find the best stories on the Mother of Christ? By whom? What writren literature available in the internet best speaks on Mary.? Thank you.
Your thoughts are wonderful and I share with you, a great love for the enlightening insights of Rudolf Steiner.but not from official anthroposophists I have met in my country and foreign visiting anthroposophists from the Goetheanum official circles , I just read Steiner on my own from the Steiner e lib .
Will follow your website ..
with fraternal love. aldeamabelen
Dear Mabel,
Thank you so much for your kind words regarding my website writings. It is indeed a challenge to convey deep and complex spiritual truth in a clear and understandable way. I too am Catholic as well as an anthroposophist; and have relied primarily on my own study of Steiner’s writings, rather than the misinformation conveyed by prominent anthroposophists (such as Prokofieff, Sease, von Halle, Koulias, etc.)
Your young daughter is extremely fortunate to have a mother such as yourself who is intimately concerned and involved in her spiritual development and welfare. As for reliable information on Blessed Mary and the life of Christ, I’ve found that the mystical research of Blessed Sister Emmerich is a wealth of historical detail found nowhere else. Other worthwhile historical detail gleaned from the Akashic Records is contained in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi. Of course the most reliable information on the two Marys is that of Rudolf Steiner.
As well, the deluge of present-day misinformation concerning the Divine and Heavenly Sophias, and the two Marys as conveyed by Rudolf Steiner, prompted me to write Mary and the Divine Sophia (available from Amazon. com) in order to clear up all this ignorant confusion. I’m sure you would find this writing deeply helpful in your sincere search for the truth.
If there is any other spiritual matter that I can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Your friend in Christ,
Dear Ron,
Would you kindly have your book, Following Christ across the threshold, into Amazon? I have been looking now and then
For its publication. I know an Ebook is not possible due to multiple copies violating copyright. But consider on the other hand the great need and help you will be able to give just as all the lectures of Rudolf steiner have been made available thru the auspices of steiner elibrary. Secondly would you kindly integrate if not unravel the Great Clear light of death ( according to the tibetan tradition ). The nearest resemblance of this phenom is described by RS in his 2/22 1915 Berlin lecture,quote: ..when the soul had gone thru the gate of does not suffer from lack of consciousness but rather too much of it….there is a dazzling consciousness,too much consciousness….” P.122 ,The destinies of individuals and nations. Moreover,how do we “reconcile” this effect with the effort to acquire and sustain ego consciousness by dying into Christ,in Christo morimur,and elsewhere RS also says,to look backward in the moment of our death gives rise to self consciousness.
The lines are abbreviated due to space limitations but am sure you can continue where I left off.
Dear Friend,
Great News! “Spiritual Warfare in the Twenty-First Century: Donald Trump vs The New World Order”!!!
In my opinion there is the danger of going back to the Old World Order instead of going forward to a Cooperative Multipolar World Order that will let the forces of the Consciousness-Spiritual Soul free. And that danger is obvious than ever with the last decisions of President Trump on Europe, Russia, China & Iran. As a Greek I can tell you that is a grave mistake for USA not to work cooperatively with everyone something that to my knowledge Russians and Chinese do. So I see that in USA every president sooner or later succumbs to the luciferic-ahrimanic-sorathic powers. That’s the big problem. This is what we have to work with. Especially in my country that is a colony of the West since 1831 when the first (after liberation of the Turkish yoke) and last Greek Governor Ioannis Kapodistrias was assassinated by the Franco-English with the “cooperation” of the Greek elites. He was assassinated as he envisaged a Greece with a spiritual mission between East and West.
Waiting with Gratitude for your two new books,
A big Thank You for “Gender & Sexuality”, Ron.
When “Following Christ across the Threshold” is coming?
Love & Warmth,
Athens – Greece
Dear Dimitris,
Thank you so much for your warm and kind response. As an esoteric author, I’m very much concerned whether or not my spiritual insights find another open and receptive soul like yourself.
As for the release date of “Following Christ across the Threshold,” it has gotten slightly extended, since I’m also working on another publication entitled “Spiritual Warfare in the Twenty-First Century: Donald Trump vs The New World Order” that is more time sensitive. I’m hoping to publish this one in early Fall, and “Following Christ …” by the end of the year.
Affectionately yours,
Hiya Rick,
Thank you so much for your interest in my books. To order copies from the internet, please go to Ron MacFarlane: Books