Tag Archives: Son and Holy Mother Spirit

Divine Gender, the Trinitarian Nature of God and Spiritual Love

The following article is a brief excerpt from my 2017 publication entitled Gender and Sexuality: In Light of Esoteric Science, and is available from Amazon.com

From what has been discussed thus far, it is obvious that esoteric science fully agrees with traditional Western theology that the One God is a perfect unity of three deific personifications―or simply, “three divine persons.” Furthermore, this “Trinity” of divine persons is agreed to be co-existent, co-equal and consubstantial with one another.

There is, however, a couple of noticeable differences. In Western theology, the divine Trinity is understood to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit; whereas the esoteric understanding of the divine Trinity is Father, Son and Holy Mother.

Moreover, in Western theology it is believed that the divine person of the Father eternally generates (or “begets”) the divine person of the Son; and together, the Father and the Son eternally generate (or “spirate”) the Holy Spirit. The esoteric understanding, however, is that the divine person of the Father together with the divine person of the Holy Mother eternally generate the divine person of the Son.

Esoterically speaking, then, the divine person of the Son is not a third gender; but rather the perfect union of the only two genders in real (divine) existence―the Heavenly Father (divine masculinity) and the Holy Mother (divine femininity).

Given the real-existence and complementarity of the Heavenly Father and the Holy Mother, it’s abundantly obvious that divine gender is transcendently more alive, personal and powerful than the various cosmic manifestations of universal gender. The infinite and eternal rhythmic interplay between the divine masculine (Heavenly Father) and the divine feminine (Holy Mother) is superlatively beyond any mechanical-style, vibratory oscillations that generate subatomic particles. As well, divine gender is transcendently superior to any back-and-forth mental vacillations which generate human thoughts and ideas. Divine gender is even infinitely grander than the recurring collapse and expansion of the entire universe.

The two divine genders, then, are much, much more than simply being universal forces of Nature; or universal mental operations in Nature; or universal principles (laws) of Nature. The two divine genders transcend the entire natural world; but are likewise much more than being simply supernatural forces, supernatural operations or supernatural principles (laws). The two divine genders are fully-alive, deific personifications―divine persons―who have eternally existed in perfect, mutual complementarity.

Esoteric science and Western theology also mutually accept the revelatory truth that “God is love.” How this is esoterically understood is that the spirit-nature of God is synonymous with divine love; that is, divine love is the spirit-nature of God. In this light, the two gender distinctions of God’s spirit-nature are also correctly understood to be two distinctions of divine love. The Heavenly Father, then, is the perfect personification of divine “masculine” love; and the Holy Mother is the perfect personification of divine “feminine” love.

The eternal, back-and-forth contraction and expansion of God’s spirit-nature, then, is best understood as an eternal interchange and infinite reciprocation of divine love between the Heavenly Father and the Holy Mother. Moreover, the Eternal Son is best understood as the perfect union of divine masculine and divine feminine love. As the divine offspring, the Eternal Son is eternally generated by the mutual love of the Heavenly Father and the Holy Mother (see Figure 1 below).

The divine Trinity, then, is best understood as a transcendent, “familial” love-relationship of divine Father, divine Mother and divine Progeny (Son). Of course when applying human familial terms and interactions to God’s Trinitarian spirit-nature, it must be kept in mind that they are all raised to a degree of infinite and eternal perfection (unlike the finite and temporal limitations of human nature).

Figure 1: The Trinity of Divine Love

The co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial love of the three persons of God is logically the highest and most perfect expression of love in reality. As such, the love of the Trinity serves as the goal and ideal of all love relationships in the created universe. In other words, the principles of universal gender strive to best reflect and manifest the divine gender expressed in Trinitarian love.

Of course the perfect love as expressed in divine gender is transcendently beyond what manifests as human sexuality and procreation. Human sexuality and procreation are temporary, limited, imperfect and undeveloped reflections of divine love as it manifests in the physical world.